Jordan has always stood at the crossroads in history. Nowhere is this more evident than in its food. While the cuisine is simple, it is nutritious and astoundingly delicious, with fresh flavors and succulent sauces predominating. It is fun to "cook Jordanian" because it is a celebration of the food and of the hospitality that is a hallmark of the country.
If you are invited to a home for a meal, don't assume it will be quick. Meals center around conversation. In fact, the recipe for Mansaf will almost include telling stories as it's eaten.! People love food and asking for a recipe, will almost guarantee stories that you never expected. Meals are often served family style.
Look for unexpected flavors in Jordanian cooking. Sumac is a Middle Eastern spice that is underutilized outside the region. Cumin, pepper and coriander can be smelled as well as tasted. Tahini paste also adds to the richness of the cuisine.